Gender, Environment, and Development Research Initiative for Security and Empowerment
Atinuke Arthur
Jul 24, 2023
Youth Engagement and Climate Action: Building a Healthy and Sustainable Future
Topic Overview
Climate action encompasses the re-enforcing and preventive measures towards raising
the earth’s temperature and curbing existing damages. In a growing population like
ours, youths make up a larger percentage and form the active sector. Their agility,
liveliness and innovation, and potential to mobilize the other community members into
taking due and effective action are well documented.
Recruiting youth engagement in climate action would help to affect the needed
approaches towards reversing, or at least reducing, the effects of climate change in our
world today. This webinar aims to bring more attention to the climate discourse in
Nigeria, and the role that youths can play in mitigating climate impact in today’s world.
Speaker: Atinuke Arthur